Looking for New Inspiration for Your Leadership?
In modern organisations, we often face demands to meet speed, quality, innovation, customer satisfaction, and employee well-being all at once. At the same time, the challenges we need to solve are often both complex and time critical. This challenge cannot be managed with traditional leadership models and management techniques, which rely on assumptions of predictability and a clear separation between planning and execution.
Instead, we need to explore new ways of leading, managing, and collaborating that allow us to embrace complexity while meeting our stakeholders' expectations for timely and high quality value creation. We need fresh thinking and new approaches to step into leadership that engages people and strengthens self-organisation and collaboration across disciplines and contexts.
We must rethink ourselves and our organisations with respect for what is already working well.
During this course day, you will gain an overview and practical tools for placing flow efficiency, resilience, and engagement at the centre of developing future organisations, releasing energy, and enabling you to reinvent yourselves as an embedded part of your work.
We invite you to an intensive day with our experienced consultants, featuring the following programme:
Morning session
Introduction to Leading Flow
– Key Tools and Everyday Examples
In the morning, we will introduce you to a powerful conceptual framework around flow, resilience, and engagement, along with practical examples from everyday situations. These concepts, insights, and stories can be used actively to create a shared understanding and coordinated actions for flow efficiency within your own organisation.
We will explore:
What is flow, how is it connected to resilience and engagement, and why is it essential for you and future organisations to master?
How does flow thinking challenge our leadership habits, and which habits are especially important to rethink?
What are the key tools for promoting flow, and how can we put them into practice?
What can we do to balance expectations and capacity better, thereby countering overload and declining engagement?
Stories and examples from everyday life that show how other organisations have brought flow thinking to life in practice.

Afternoon session:
Improvement Through Pilot Actions – Small Steps Leading to Big Impact

In the afternoon, we will focus on how you can further develop and create even better conditions for flow in your context.
You will acquire:
An overview of developing and sustaining improvements by working systematically and professionally with pilot actions and follow-up, taking experiences seriously.
An introduction to how you can support and embed rethought leadership behaviours, even – or perhaps especially – when they seem counterintuitive.
A well tested toolkit you can use to immediately begin implementing pilot actions related to behavioural changes that can promote flow, resilience, and engagement.
leadership programme
with practical certification
Practical Leadership of Flow, Resilience, and Engagement
We provide you with the concepts and the tools to help create future organisations capable of rethinking leadership and reinventing themselves as an embedded part of daily work. Whether your focus is on operations, service, or development.
If you want to delve into how you can contribute to embedding flow, resilience, and engagement practically in a complex everyday setting, where short term tips and tricks alone are not sufficient, then come and be curious with us.