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Inspiration and leadership development paving the way for improving flow and engagement in your organisation

Flow based leadership

Thought-provoking stories from everyday life in organisations that illustrate the essential themes within flow efficiency.

You start developing a shared language about flow that invites reflection on your own leadership practices.

"Pia really got us thinking with relevant stories from everyday life. The examples we heard along the way are still topics of discussion."


1 lecture

1 hour

Flow based leaderhip
Lecture Series

Customized version of a successful lecture series at Folkeuniversitetet about flow-efficient organizations.


You establish a common language and receive concrete inspirations to work on flow management in different organisational contexts - strategic, operational, individual.


"It was as if the room buzzed at every lecture; it really sparked thoughts and ideas. Four experts, with extensive knowledge of practices in different types of organisations."


5 lectures

x 2 hours each

Flow based leadership
Facilitated Workshops

The lecture series is extended here with time for dialogue and discussion of specific challenges and opportunities in your organisation/department/team.

Can be conducted with management teams, professional development group meetings, CoP meetings etc.

"You have something very special! You always leave us inspired and  focused on the small positive steps we can take."


5 workshops

x 3-4 hours each

Flow based leadership 
Action Learning Course

An intensive leadership development course spanning 6-12 weeks.


Through systematic investigations of your own practices, you train and develop your competencies in flow and engagement leadership while solving specific business tasks that you would have to solve anyway.


5 facilitated workshops

x 3 hours each

+ 5 sessions
x 3 hours each

Flow based leadership
Coaching and Sparring

As leaders, you are the ones firmly grounded in your own everyday challenges.


The company/organisation's leaders receive active coaching and mentoring regarding their own initiatives and activities related to flow and engagement.


4 hours/week for 3 months


We are happy to create tailored programs for you.

Contact us using the form below, and one of our specialists will get back to you.


Flow efficiency gives you the ability to deliver the right things quickly with high quality, high engagement, and satisfied customers, users, or citizens.

What Do We Offer?

We support you as leaders and employees in creating conditions conducive for flow efficiency and engagement in your organisation. You gain a common language and understanding of what flow efficiency is, and we inspire and support you in realising improvements in practice.


Who Is It Relevant For?

It is relevant for you, leaders in organisations and companies working on creating complex solutions.

Do you have questions?

Would you like to inquire about a specific date?

Write us. We will get back to you soon with an answer.

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